
Our Values and Beliefs

At Fresh Start we believe in supporting all who are in need, without judgement.

Innovation, Integrity, Compassion and Continuous care, these four (4) values are the pillars of organisation, reflecting our foundational desire to bring hope for recovery from addiction and substance use.

We believe in Inclusion and Diversity

Fresh Start warmly welcomes and promotes the inclusion of all people, recognising the inherent dignity and uniqueness of every person. We value what diversity bring to the community and believe that it is a part of what makes our world a more beautiful place. We are committed to treating others with respect, kindness and inclusivity to ensure that everyone at Fresh Start feels welcome and supported.

We employ a diverse and multicultural staff who come from a variety of different backgrounds, but we are united in the belief that all people are equally deserving of respect and inclusion. Our staff reflects the broad diversity of the Australian community and is made up of people who differ in race, gender, culture, social class, age, beliefs, sexual identity and ability and we value the unique perspectives and skills that these differences bring to our workplace. All staff at Fresh Start complete diversity and inclusivity awareness training to ensure we are nurturing a positive and collaborative mindset in our team. This allows us to better care for our clients and ensure we are meeting the needs of the community we serve.

The Fresh Start Statement of Belief embodies the second of the core commitments of the organisation: Good Christian teaching.

Our Christian Beliefs

  • The Nature and Character of God: we believe in one God, who has existed forever as Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a community of pure and eternal love.
  • The Creation of Humanity: men and women were created in God’s likeness with God-given dignity and worth in order to know, love and serve him forever.
  • Sin and Evil: sin came into existence through human rebellion against the good purposes of God. Sin is self-centred opposition to the love of God that separates humans from God and leads to death and eternal lostness.
  • Jesus Christ: Jesus is the eternal Son of God manifest in human nature; he was born of a virgin, performed miracles of healing and led a sinless life. He took the consequences for our sins on the cross and rose victoriously from death in the power of the Father over all that separates us from the love of God. He is the one true Saviour and the only way to eternal life.
  • Salvation: eternal life is God’s gift to those who turn from evil and put their trust in Jesus. Through repentance and faith they are united with the power of Jesus own resurrection life. By forgiving all sin, past, present and future, God becomes our heavenly Father.
  • The Holy Spirit: when a person believes in Jesus they are “born again”, receiving new and eternal life from God and the gift of his Holy Spirit. By the power of the Spirit of God believers are able to live new lives that are increasing Christ-like; the Spirit gives to all Christians gifts of ministry and service to help others.
  • The Church: all those who truly believe in Jesus are part of God’s family, the church. Christians live in love by the power of the Spirit, who is the Spirit of Jesus, as a single community of God’s people. As the people of God we are called to bring to everyone the good news of salvation in Christ.
  • The Kingdom of God: Jesus came to restore human dignity through revealing God’s loving kingdom of justice and peace. As representatives of Christ, Christians are committed to working against all injustice, discrimination and oppression by acts of mercy and goodness.
  • Judgement and Eternal Life: Jesus will return in power and glory to judge the living and the dead. Both saved and lost will be resurrected, the lost will be eternally condemned and the saved will eternally enjoy the presence of God in heaven.
  • The Bible: the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God are the uniquely inspired, and the wholly trustworthy final authority and guide in all matters of faith and conduct.

Our Christian Values

  • We Value Love: the pattern of Jesus’ life reveals that the central meaning of our humanity is selfless love for God and neighbour. Love unconditionally seeks the very best for others, regardless of cost.
  • We Value Community: as God himself is a community, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the individual finds love, acceptance and belonging in community surrounded by others who reach out to care and contribute to their well-being.
  • We Value the Family: God created marriage and the family as foundational relationships for the good of the human race. Marriage and family are to be treasured and protected by all possible means.
  • We Value the Individual: each person as created in the likeness of God has unconditional worth and deserves respect independent of gender, race, age, religion, education, wealth, or social status.
  • We Value Compassion: Jesus’ deep heartfelt identification with the suffering of others constantly moved him to relieve human pain. Compassion is our central motivating force.
  • We Value Science and Technology: God the Creator has gifted human beings with the ability to understand the principles of his work in creation. These inventive gifts are to be encouraged and developed for the good of humanity.
  • We Value Good Medicine: medicine that aims at the restoring and preserving of human life is practiced under the blessing of God whose care for his creation is all inclusive.
  • We Value the Healing Power of Prayer: the supernatural healing power of God is available to human beings through prayer. Such prayer is offered in submission to the will of God and in the name of Jesus.
  • We Value Work: work was given by God in the beginning as an act of worship to be accomplished in partnership with him. The provision of productive work is an important aspect of human wholeness.
  • We Value Good Citizenship: according to the design of God, human beings live in societies whose well being is dependent on mutual responsibility. The joyful performance of civic duties is pleasing to God and fulfilling to those who undertake them.