
Partner With Us

Welcome to Fresh Start, thank you for your interest in partnering with or sponsoring us!

Fresh Start’s Sponsors and Partners play vital roles in supporting the organisation to achieve our mission. We invite you to join us.

Our mission at Fresh Start is to facilitate a future free from the effects of addiction and substance use disorders for individuals, families and communities.

Do you provide services that you would like to donate or provide at a reduced cost to Fresh Start? Consider partnering with us.

Some services and products Fresh Start can use

  • printing
  • cleaning
  • landscaping
  • transport and vehicles
  • produce / cooking supplies
  • builders and labouring
  • education and training services and positions
  • professional services
  • corporate volunteering

As a partner, your logo will be displayed on our website, we will promote your services on social media and in our newsletters. These are just a few ways in which your business may benefit.
For an information pack and more details email fundraising@freshstart.org.au

If you are open to giving back to your community, but can’t commit to a partnership, consider sponsoring Fresh Start.

How you can Sponsor us

  • events
  • sites
  • rooms
  • individuals
  • programs

As a sponsor, your logo will be displayed on our website, and at the relevant site, program or event you are sponsoring where you may also get social media coverage. These are just a few ways in which your business may benefit.

For an information pack and more details email fundraising@freshstart.org.au

Fresh Start is opening a pool for corporate membership. This means, you pay an annual fee to become a financial member of Fresh Start and attend the annual AGM. With corporate membership there are some responsibilities. This includes paying an annual fee, encourage engagement from other businesses and organisations, attend Fresh Start events and work with us towards our mission of facilitating a future free from the effects of substance use disorders and addiction for individuals, families and communities.
As a corporate member, your logo will be displayed on our website and in our annual newsletters. These are just a few ways in which your business may benefit.

For an information pack and more details email fundraising@freshstart.org.au