
Make a Bequest

By making a Bequest to Fresh Start (a Deductible Gift Recipient and Registered Health Charity), you can help us to continue our work beyond your life time, offering a lasting contribution towards recovery from addictions and rebuilding families. Your Bequest will play a vital role in supporting our treatment and rehabilitation services or ongoing research into development and improvement of medical procedures for addictions. When you include us in your Will, you are offering the gift of hope and a Fresh Start to some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

Your Will enables you to make provision for your family, friends and other beneficiaries as you wish upon your death. You can also provide for any organisation/s with whom you have a strong affinity. This may be the only time you are able to offer a significant gift to leave a legacy beyond your lifetime.

It is important to ensure your Will is current, valid and sets out your wishes clearly. Changes in your circumstances, such as relationship status, major illness, financial position, births or deaths in your family, will require a review of your Will.

In your Will you can offer the gift of part or all of the residue of your estate or an amount for a specified purpose (eg. capital works or treatment services). Contact us for suggested wording (see details below).

Planning for the future is important for any charity that is dependent on donations. Whilst there is no obligation to do so, letting us know you have chosen to include us in your Will greatly assists our planning. It also gives us the opportunity to thank you. If you have made a Bequest, please do let us know (see contact information below). We would be happy to discuss any aspect of making a Bequest to Fresh Start Recovery Programme.

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Contact us

Click here to send an email enquiry or telephone Jeff Claughton, CEO, on 08 9381 1333